This last week I took some time off of work and we headed to the Winter Fair in Brandon on Thursday. The kids had a good time with the "Through the farm gate" portion of the fair, petting animals etc. We were happy to be able to spend some time with Grandma Pauls, Grandma Irving, Trevor, Jamie and Brooklyn. Thursday evening we made the second leg of our trip to Saskatoon to help Netties sister Anna move back to Manitoba. 

Since everything was full in Brandon anyway we spent the night in Virden. As I was checking into the motel I asked about the "Infestation Warning" with a picture of a maple bug that was on the wall. The lady cut eye contact and then said something about how good it is that they die in Winter...I decided not to tell Nettie until we left the next morning.
On Friday we headed out to Saskatoon with a 3 hour lunch break at Chuck-E-Cheeses in Regina. The kids had a great time playing games though we'd all had our fill by the time we left.

We had a good time visiting and packing stuff up with Anna, our van was full to the ceiling and we had some extra stuff roped to the top. We left on Sunday after the farewell lunch at Anna's church. We'd done a 4 part drive to Saskatoon which we did in one shot on the way back. The kids were good the whole way back (the movies helped...Thanks grandma P). Nettie had to talk to me to keep me awake toward the end of the drive. We arrived home shortly after 1am. Even though she was asleep we could hear Charity quietly giggle as we put her into her own bed. I didn't blame her, I felt the same. 

I still think you need a frying pan swinging from a mirrow to make the look complete.
Hi this is Dwayne Schulz. I'am not to shur how this Blogger thing works and I stumbled onto your by accent. It was nice to see you are doing well. We should try to get together soon again.
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