Friday, February 27, 2009

Please Pray......

Chris' friend Charles had a liver transplant on February 12. All was going well till last night when he started to bleed, so please remember him in your prayers. Here is the last update from Christine (Charles' wife):

Quick update from the hospital: Charles is still stable enough that people are not panicking--which is good, but they still have not found out where the blood is coming from, and it IS still coming, though more slowly--which is not so good.
He's been transferred back to the Organ Transplant Unit, which I had thought we were finished with...if he has to be in the hospital at all, this is a very good place to be...sigh. They are figuring out right now what they need to plan and prep for next, since the gastro scope did not show anything useful--again, both good and not great in that they need to keep looking. Please pray that they do a good job of managing his condition while they figure things out, and that they WILL figure things our as soon as they reasonably can.
A bonus for us: quite a few of the med staff are away at a conference for a few days, but our lovely coordinator is still here--too bad for her, since the conference is in Banff, but good for us/me, since she could probably talk me through pretty much any crisis I needed to navigate! The young physician who is mostly in charge of Charles's care seems to be doing a good job in his own way...
I think Charles is most discouraged by the news that he will probably not be allowed to eat for a while...somehow that's tangible, personal, and hard for him to hear.
He is working on his loom knitting, though--two projects on the go already! =)
More later...

If you would like to read more check out the journal entries here:

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I know Charles too, from way back when I was a camper at Carberry Bible Camp. I hope everything is OK.